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Map Of Middle Earth Frodo's Journey

Written by Ben Javu Jun 06, 2022 · 3 min read
Map Of Middle Earth Frodo's Journey

In the year 2023, let's take a journey through Middle Earth with Frodo Baggins and his companions. Our guide will be the map that Frodo carried with him on his journey to destroy the One Ring. This map, created by J.R.R. Tolkien himself, is a work of art and an essential tool for any fan of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Table of Contents

Don Hitchcock's Map of Frodo's Journey from Rivendell to the Pass of
Don Hitchcock's Map of Frodo's Journey from Rivendell to the Pass of from

The Journey Begins

In the year 2023, let's take a journey through Middle Earth with Frodo Baggins and his companions. Our guide will be the map that Frodo carried with him on his journey to destroy the One Ring. This map, created by J.R.R. Tolkien himself, is a work of art and an essential tool for any fan of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

The story begins in the Shire, where Frodo inherits the ring from his uncle, Bilbo. The map shows the route that Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin take as they leave the Shire and make their way towards Rivendell. Along the way, they encounter many dangers, including the Black Riders, or Nazgul, who are searching for the ring.

Question: Who were the Black Riders?

The Black Riders were once human kings who were corrupted by the power of the rings given to them by the Dark Lord Sauron. They became his servants, the Nazgul, and were sent to search for the One Ring.

The Quest Continues

After arriving in Rivendell, Frodo and his companions meet with a council of elves, dwarves, and men who decide that the ring must be destroyed. Frodo volunteers to take the ring to the fiery depths of Mount Doom, where it was created, and destroy it forever. The map shows the path that the fellowship takes as they journey towards Mordor.

Along the way, the fellowship encounters many obstacles, including the treacherous Mines of Moria, the evil wizard Saruman, and the armies of Sauron. The map shows the different regions of Middle Earth, including the Misty Mountains, the Plains of Rohan, and the Black Gate of Mordor.

Question: Who is Saruman?

Saruman is a wizard who was once a member of the council of wizards, along with Gandalf. He becomes corrupted by the power of the ring and becomes a servant of Sauron. He creates an army of orcs and attempts to take over Middle Earth.

The Final Battle

The final part of Frodo's journey takes him to Mount Doom, where he must destroy the ring. The map shows the path that Frodo and Sam take as they climb the mountain and encounter Gollum, the creature who once possessed the ring. In the end, it is Gollum who falls into the fiery chasm with the ring, destroying it forever.

The map of Middle Earth is not only a beautiful work of art, but it is also an essential tool for any fan of the Lord of the Rings. It allows us to follow Frodo's journey and experience the adventure for ourselves. So, grab your own copy of the map and start your own journey through Middle Earth.

Question: Why was Gollum so obsessed with the ring?

Gollum, formerly known as Sméagol, was a hobbit-like creature who possessed the ring for many years before Bilbo found it. The ring corrupted him and gave him a long life, but also drove him mad. He became obsessed with the ring and believed it was his precious possession that he could never let go of.

The End of the Journey

After the destruction of the ring, Frodo and his companions return home to the Shire, where they live out the rest of their days in peace. The map of Middle Earth allows us to relive the adventure and experience the world that Tolkien created. So, take your own journey through Middle Earth and discover the magic for yourself.

As we conclude our journey with Frodo, we can only imagine what other adventures await us in Middle Earth. But one thing is certain, the map of Middle Earth will always be our guide and companion on any journey we take through this magical world.

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