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Map Of Northern Houses Westeros

Written by Ban Javo Oct 25, 2022 · 4 min read
Map Of Northern Houses Westeros

The North is one of the most important regions in Westeros, and it is home to several powerful houses that play a crucial role in the politics and power struggles of the Seven Kingdoms. The region is known for its harsh winters, rugged terrain, and fiercely independent people, who have a long and proud history of resisting outside influence.

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The Northern Houses and Their Importance

The North is one of the most important regions in Westeros, and it is home to several powerful houses that play a crucial role in the politics and power struggles of the Seven Kingdoms. The region is known for its harsh winters, rugged terrain, and fiercely independent people, who have a long and proud history of resisting outside influence.

Here, we'll take a closer look at the map of Northern Houses in Westeros, exploring the geography of the region, the history of its houses, and the current state of affairs in the North.

What are the major houses in the North?

There are several major houses in the North, each with its own unique history and traditions. Some of the most important houses include House Stark, House Bolton, House Umber, House Mormont, and House Karstark.

What is the significance of House Stark?

House Stark is perhaps the most famous and influential house in the North. They are the lords of Winterfell, and they have a long and storied history that dates back thousands of years. The Starks are known for their honor, their loyalty, and their fierce determination to protect their people and their lands.

One of the most important figures in the history of House Stark is Ned Stark, who served as the Hand of the King to Robert Baratheon before he was executed on false charges of treason. Ned's death was a major turning point in the War of the Five Kings, and it had far-reaching consequences for the entire North.

The Geography of the North

The North is a vast and rugged region, characterized by its snow-capped mountains, dense forests, and icy rivers. The region is home to several important cities and strongholds, including Winterfell, the Dreadfort, and Bear Island.

One of the most important features of the North is the Wall, a massive structure that stretches for hundreds of miles along the northern border of the Seven Kingdoms. The Wall was built thousands of years ago to keep out the White Walkers, a terrifying race of undead creatures that threaten the safety of all living beings in Westeros.

What is beyond the Wall?

Beyond the Wall lies a vast and uncharted wilderness, home to wildlings, giants, and other dangerous creatures. The region is characterized by its harsh climate, its rugged terrain, and its unpredictable weather patterns.

For centuries, the Night's Watch has been responsible for defending the Wall and protecting the Seven Kingdoms from the threats beyond it. However, in recent years, the Night's Watch has been weakened by political infighting and a lack of resources, leaving the Wall vulnerable to attack.

The Current State of Affairs in the North

The North is currently in a state of flux, with several major houses vying for power and influence in the region. House Bolton, for example, has emerged as a major player in the North, thanks in part to its alliance with House Frey and its ruthless tactics on the battlefield.

Meanwhile, House Stark has suffered a series of devastating setbacks in recent years, including the deaths of several key members of the family and the loss of Winterfell to the Boltons. However, there are signs that the Starks are beginning to make a comeback, with Jon Snow and Sansa Stark leading a rebellion against the Boltons and their allies.

What is the future of the North?

The future of the North is uncertain, but one thing is clear: the region will continue to play a crucial role in the politics and power struggles of the Seven Kingdoms. Whether House Stark can reclaim its former glory, or whether House Bolton will continue to dominate the region, remains to be seen.

One thing is certain, however: the North will always be a place of rugged beauty, fierce loyalty, and unyielding independence, a land where the people are as tough and resilient as the terrain they call home.


The map of Northern Houses in Westeros is a fascinating and complex subject, one that offers a glimpse into the rich history and unique culture of the North. Whether you are a fan of the books or the television series, or simply interested in learning more about one of the most important regions in the Seven Kingdoms, the map of Northern Houses is a topic well worth exploring.

So next time you find yourself lost in the world of Westeros, take some time to study the map of Northern Houses, and immerse yourself in the rich history and vibrant culture of this fascinating region.

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