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Map Of Westeros Kingdoms

Written by Bon Juve Aug 09, 2022 ยท 3 min read
Map Of Westeros Kingdoms

Westeros is a vast continent that is home to seven kingdoms. These kingdoms are ruled by powerful families, each with their own unique history and culture. The seven kingdoms are:

Table of Contents

Westeros Physical Map by ALackofRainbows on DeviantArt
Westeros Physical Map by ALackofRainbows on DeviantArt from

The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros

Westeros is a vast continent that is home to seven kingdoms. These kingdoms are ruled by powerful families, each with their own unique history and culture. The seven kingdoms are:

  • The North
  • The Iron Islands
  • The Riverlands
  • The Vale
  • The Westerlands
  • The Reach
  • Dorne

History of the Seven Kingdoms

The seven kingdoms were formed after the defeat of the First Men by the Andals. The Andals brought with them a new religion, the Faith of the Seven, which quickly spread throughout Westeros. Over time, the seven kingdoms were established as different Andal families conquered and ruled over the various regions of the continent.

Throughout history, the seven kingdoms have been marked by conflict and war. The War of the Five Kings, which took place in 299 AC, was one of the most devastating wars in Westerosi history.

The North

The North is ruled by House Stark, one of the oldest and most powerful families in Westeros. The Starks are known for their fierce loyalty and honor. Winterfell, the ancestral home of House Stark, is located in the North.

Question: Who rules the North?

Answer: House Stark rules the North

The Iron Islands

The Iron Islands are a harsh and unforgiving place, ruled by House Greyjoy. The Greyjoys are known for their seafaring ways and their belief in the Iron Price, which holds that everything must be paid for with blood and iron.

Question: What is the Iron Price?

Answer: The Iron Price is the belief that everything must be paid for with blood and iron.

The Riverlands

The Riverlands are a fertile and prosperous region, ruled by House Tully. The Tullys are known for their strong ties to the river and their skill at fishing and farming.

Question: Who rules the Riverlands?

Answer: House Tully rules the Riverlands.

The Vale

The Vale is a mountainous region, ruled by House Arryn. The Arryns are known for their strong defense of the Vale and their support of the Targaryen dynasty during the Targaryen conquest.

Question: Who rules the Vale?

Answer: House Arryn rules the Vale.

The Westerlands

The Westerlands are rich in gold and silver, ruled by House Lannister. The Lannisters are known for their wealth and their cunning, as well as their fierce loyalty to their family.

Question: What is House Lannister known for?

Answer: House Lannister is known for their wealth and their cunning.

The Reach

The Reach is a fertile region, known for its agriculture and beauty. It is ruled by House Tyrell, one of the most powerful families in Westeros. The Tyrells are known for their wealth and their skill at politics.

Question: Who rules the Reach?

Answer: House Tyrell rules the Reach.


Dorne is a hot and arid region, ruled by House Martell. The Martells are known for their strength and their fierce defense of their region. They are also known for their unique customs and traditions.

Question: What is Dorne known for?

Answer: Dorne is known for its unique customs and traditions.


The map of Westeros kingdoms is complex and fascinating. Each kingdom has its own unique history and culture, and each is ruled by a powerful family with its own strengths and weaknesses. Understanding the map of Westeros kingdoms is essential for any fan of the Game of Thrones series.

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